Second Covid-19 case confirmed at UTC

From George Heddleston, Vice Chancellor Communication and Marketing

On Sunday, March 29, 2020, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga officials were informed that a member of the UTC campus community tested positive for COVID-19. In accordance with guidance from public health officials at the county and state levels, this notice is being sent to inform UTC faculty, staff and students of this development.

Members of the UTC campus community who may have come in close contact with the individual are being notified. 

The University is working closely with the health department, which has familiarity with the positive case, to follow guidelines to ensure the safety and health of the campus community.

The UTC community should continue to be vigilant with handwashing and social distancing in an effort to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Anyone with infection or exposure concerns should call their healthcare provider to discuss symptoms and requirements for monitoring.

For the most current information regarding COVID-19 and our campus, please check   

George Heddleston, Vice Chancellor

Communications and Marketing

About Mocs News Staff

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