by Chris Figgures
CHATTANOOGA ( Being a college student isn’t always easy. Sometimes you will need a break or two just to enjoy life away from school. College students all around the country take time out just to gather their thoughts and to sit back and relax or maybe even study to get ready for a test that’s coming up. Being a college student, you must be on your toes because you will never know what’s next or what’s coming up in the classrooms.

Being a student in general can be very challenging because you must make sure you’re on top of your game. Its ok to take time out of your college day to go chill with friends or even to go take a nap. Waking up every day to go to an 8 am class or even waking up to go to an 11 am class and in some rare cases some students around campus would sleep all day. Students could also get ready for their later classes such as 5pm or even their 8pm class. Three UTC students were interviewed.
“Even though I struggle with time management as a senior. It can be stressful just anticipating the next class you have throughout the day.” Jake Redfern a senior majoring in communications said “A suggestion to upcoming freshmen, schedule your classes into chunks as in have two or three a day but have them half an hour or two apart. “
Meg Wooten Senior double majoring in nursing and child development studies and she answered “I spend most of my free time at the BCM (Baptist Collegiate Ministries on Vine Street) on campus and hang out, play ping pong ,or cards. My tip would be balancing your time and to plan specific times so you won’t be stressed but also be intentional with the times you’re studying.”
No matter what the case may be student would need time to catch up and rethink things throughout the day. Here at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga students usually are involved in extracurricular activities such as clubs or even sports. College students here usually find somewhere to sit under a tree listen to music on Chamberlin Field or they might even just chill in the University Center to study and to get a bite to eat while waiting on their next class to start. I went around campus to ask students what do they like to do on their free time and what kind of tips would they offer new students or upperclassmen students on how to manage college life.
“Try to use your time in between classes productivity because when you get done with your classes for the day you don’t want to be stuck with homework.” Paige Kuczek a Junior Majoring Public law and minoring in Communications said “In my free time I like to walk around. I have a dog I love hanging out with him. Anything that takes my mind off of school.” The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga offers a lot of places and resources for students to get active or to chill at. Being a college student not only here at UTC but at any other college whether it’s at university or a community college they all share the same aspects of being a college student which being able to regather your mind before going to your next class. UTC also offers students to be able to have fun in the student lounge which is located on the bottom floor of the University center. Weekends are also a best way to regather your thoughts and to have fun with friends and family. College life is fun to have because you would never be able to gather those memories again once you enter the life of adulthood and once you become an alumnus you never get those times of being able to enjoy the free time of being a college student.

Usually, students here at UTC would also go to places to have peace and quiet such as the library. The library is the best place on campus if you want to focus during your free time and to also be able to study without the outside noise.