By Chris Figgures
College Football season has been around for decades, and every fall season comes the hype of who will reign supreme as National Champions? Or who will be the shocker football team that will surprise a lot of people? Waking up to coffee and turning on your TV to ESPN’s College Game Day the nation gets hyped up for a new weekend of College Football.
College Game Day is a television show that dated back to September 5, 1987. You would know its college football season when you’ll hear the lyrics to the show’s theme “WE ARE COMIN TO YOUR CITY” This first TV show setted the tone for everyone across the nation for this to be the pre-show for what would be a great Saturday morning! Lee Corso’s end of the show Head gear picks is one of the most electrifying things in college football.
Students around the country get excited about what we call the most anticipated season of all time. College students are what makes college football season alive. Every season college students will cry together, and they will smile together once their favorite team upsets a top seed or even when their favorite team wins in general. I took to the streets to interview students around the campus here at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga to see what they think about college football season and what’s their favorite college team also what they’ll do to keep up with their college football team.
“I don’t have a specific team that I am a big fan of.” Jake Harrison a Senior majoring in marketing said “But my grandfather is a big Tennessee fan what I do to watch it is I hang out with friends. I’ll go to a bar and I’ll be watching it for sure. It’s all about enjoying life with your friends”

“My favorite college football team is UTC of course and the Georgia Bulldogs.” Destiny McClendon a sophomore majoring in communications said ” I keep up with both by watching the games on TV when i can’t make the games in person. I usually watch the games with my teammates.”
Having College Football is a great way in enjoying a Saturday with your friends while rooting for your favorite team or just watching football in general. The excitement of having Friday through Sunday filled with sports to watch will get anyone excited.