What’s Next for “the King”?

By Joseph Chambers

CHATTANOOGA, TENN (mocsnews.com)

Lebron James just won his 4th NBA Championship in his 17th season in the league so what is next for “King James” and his pursuit for greatness.

James is 35 years old and still showing no sign of weakness as he dominates the league year after year. He has been in 9 of the last 10 NBA finals which is extremely impressive.

Lebron James has had the most expectations of almost any athlete ever, he was proclaimed as “the chosen one” as a high schooler. He has had one of the most impressive careers in sports history. So, what else can he do?

There are many people who believe James is one of the greatest of all time in the sport of basketball, but many believe he has yet to surpass Michael Jordan, who is widely regarded as the greatest of all time. Maybe James wants to solidify himself as the greatest of all time, we shall see how the longevity of king James reign compares to the ultimate legacy of Michael Jordan. For this to happen many believe he needs to win more championships, as Jordan had 6 in his career.

James could be dedicating more time and money to his philanthropy. James has made many great charitable donations to organizations as well as his new school he helped fund, the I Promise School.

The I Promise School is a great idea for a school as James wanted to encourage the youth of America in their educational career as it is the foundation for their lives. The school’s principal, Brandi Davis said, “We are reigniting dreams that were extinguished — already in third and fourth grade. We want to change the face of urban education.” James could be looking to further the standards and funding of the school. James said in his post-championship game interview that he wanted respect, his team wanted respect, and that the Lakers’ organization wanted respect. James has had more media scrutiny than almost anyone and wanted this championship to represent a line that shows he is deserving of respect and is truly one of the greatest of all time.

About Joseph Chambers

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