Volunteers Needed for CK, Now!

Do you enjoy working with children? Do you believe that all students should have access to a post-secondary institution? Are you familiar with UTC campus?

Apply to become a volunteer and student ambassador for UTC’s elementary collegiate awareness program, CK, Now! (College Knowledge, Now!) Organizers say over 5,000 children have come through the program over the past two years. Graduates of the program are now attending college.

CK, Now! is a program where elementary students from around the region come it UTC to pretend they are college students for a day. Volunteers and student ambassadors guide the students on campus tours, and bring them to various activities around campus hosted by campus partners.

Field trips are mostly held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00AM-2:00PM.  Coordinators can schedule volunteers and student ambassadors around class schedules.

If you are interested in volunteering, please email CKNOWUTC@gmail.com or Sandy-Cole@utc.edu to sign up for a training time slot.

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Mocs News January 24

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