Veterans Day Celebrated at UTC

Veterans Day may fall on a Saturday this year, but UTC was able to celebrate the veterans on our campus all week with a series of events dedicated to them.

In order to celebrate Veterans Day on November 11, UTC is holding events on the sixth through the 10th of November in order to honor our veterans.

Attendees enjoyed free meals and coffee, reminiscing over various experiences they had both inside and outside of the military. The attendees talked to us about the importance of these events.

One of the veterans in attendance, Haley Sebastian, explained what the appreciation day luncheon event meant to her.

“This is a women veterans luncheon. It’s just part of the military appreciation week so that all of us that served in the military get to eat free lunch with our spouses or dependents or whoever’s here.”

Dr. Steve angle, UTC’s chancellor, let us know more about the event, Coffee with the Chancellor.

“It’s just an informal question and answer, no agenda. People come, have a cup of coffee, glass of water, juice, and they ask questions, and gives me a chance to hear what is on the mind of people on campus.”

Military appreciation week finishes up today, November 10th.


About Joshua Johns

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